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Maryland Department of Labor Benchmarks of Success - Management/Frontline Staff/Partners Part One Video Highlights - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Question 1: Madame Secretary, Governor Hogan recently announced that the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA) Act State Plan, more commonly known as Maryland’s Workforce System, was revised and approved by our federal partners.
This is exciting news, but for those unfamiliar with WIOA and Maryland’s State Plan, could you provide a brief background on what they are?

Secretary Padilla’s Response/ Key Highlights:

  • WIOA Overview: (Federal)
    • Bi-Partisan legislation, passed by Congress, signed into law by President Obama in July 22, 2014.
    • Promotes program alignment (in employment, education, and training) at federal, state, and local levels; reaffirms the ongoing role of the American Job Centers.
  • WIOA Overview: (State Plan)
    • Each state is required to create a four-year plan; providing the regulatory framework outlining the state’s goals and vision regarding how the Workforce System (under WIOA) will be achieved.
    • Maryland’s “Combined State Plan” – includes all six core programs that include Adult, Youth, Dislocated Workers (Title I), basic Education for Adults (Title II), Wagner-Peyser (Title III), and Vocational Rehabilitation Services (Title IV). Most significantly, the state of Maryland became one of only 29 states and 2 territories that opted to develop a Combined State Plan which aligns its workforce and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs across the state, requiring its 12 Local Workforce Areas to design distinct implementation plans responsive to the population needs in each of Maryland’s 24 counties (and Baltimore City).

For the first time ever, effective with this State Plan revision, the

  • Dept. of Housing & Community Development (Community Services Block Grant Program),
  • DLLR’s Division of Unemployment Insurance, and
  • Senior Community Services Employment Program

Were formally added into MD’s Combined Plan.